Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Final Group

Pretty excited about how this came out. They all came out pretty amazingly.


  1. I really like how you've edited these pictures; it adds a feeling of mystery and is very interesting almost like an action comic book but scarier. The order of the photos works very well too, as you progress through the series you see a bit more human in him.

  2. I like the comic book feeling to these pictures. You lighting is always perfect with the mood you try to show. I like the darkness and mystery you put into these pictures. All of them are very strong.

  3. I really like the feel of your pictures, they really make you think about the story and what's going on. One thing I would change would to make it feel a little less comic book, I think it would look better if the pictures were clear and dark, but that's the only thing I see, and it's just my opinion. I think they turned out really great, I'm glad you finally found someone to model for you!

  4. SO RAD. Connor is absolutely terrifying in the best quiet scary way! The editing is sooo sick. This just straight up looks like a comic book. I am so impressed!

  5. I think your images turned out very well and your editing was very apropreate for your subject matter.

  6. Freaking. Amazing. I love the light and mood as well as your editing. You and Connor both are amazing models and the mystery and story were freaking fantastic! Great job!!

  7. I really liked your concentration theme, your editting is great. Very comic book feel about it. good job

  8. Your editing to all these pictures are awesome! I like all your pictures and backgrounds.

  9. Okay Zaq, these are pretty amazing. The most recent ones of Connor are incredible. The transformation of the guy was actually a bit emotional for me. :-P I almost felt a vibe of torment from him. Great facial expressions and body placement. The diptych of the comic-edited guy with a red thingy in his hand and him reaching upward was definitely my favorite. Awesome job!

  10. I love the comic book feel in your pictures and how every page tells a story. My favorite pictures are the fourth and the second to last pictures. The contrast and light are great in everyone of your pictures. They totally look like you were in a diffrent world.

  11. These are awesome. The comic book editing really ties the whole series together. Your use of lighting is really to your advantage and the colors you have chosen definitely strengthen the apocalypse feel. Great work.

  12. These are excellent. The comic-y feel is really effective. The story and series is very unique. Well done.

  13. Zaq, you definitly picked a theme that was right for you. The fact that you have researched and know so much about this subject really helped you create strong photos. I really like that you added the comic aspect to it as well because it ties it to your personally. I give you kudos for trying to photograph yourself. I think connor was a great model to use. Great job Zaq!

  14. OH MY GOD! Zac these are AMAZING!! WOW! your model was perfect as well. I would even say they are perfect, there is nothing to change.

  15. This was great! I enjoyed looking at your photos a lot, it tells sucha story! Great editing job too! This theme worked out fantastic! I love it!

  16. I love how you edited these with the same looking texture/funkify/thingy...It makes the pictures work together! I love it! I wish you could put more emphasis on the sword though..but that's just me :)
